Current Programs

Orientation Breakfast for First Year Medical Class

Lunch Lecture Discussions

Welcome Back Networking Event
-An annual program to highlight events for the upcoming year, and to introduce medical students, Post-Baccalaureate students, residents and local physicians to each another.

Taste of Culture 
-An annual event to highlight the diversity of our medical student body by allowing students to share dishes from their culture.

Doctors Back to College
 -A panel of physicians to expose local college students, Post-Baccalaureate, and medical students to careers in medicine. 

Rx for Success
-An interactive program for college and high school students to introduce them to life as a medical student and the medical school admissions process.

Senior Award Ceremony
-A dinner in honor of our graduating SNMA members.

Community Service Activities
-Cornerstone Manor
-Community Health Fair
-mentoring at local high school